I'm Geraldine Jozefiak.


I help teachers and schools work with their students to change how they manage their exam stress so they can show as their best selves for their exams.

Let's work together

How I got towhere I am now

15 years ago I was at a crossroads. 

My marriage had ended, I was estranged from my grown up daughter living in Bangkok, and frustrated that my job teaching creative activities in Adult Education didn’t give me the joy and satisfaction I was seeking.

My Mind, Body and Spirit was telling me that things had to change.  So I listened. 

I sold my country family house and moved to the historic city of Norwich without a job!

I didn't know quite what I was looking for but trusted that The Universe would guide me to my next adventure. 

And it did!

It took me to HMP Norwich where I’ve been a serving Exam Officer these past 9 years. 

I wanted change and I got it on a big scale!

And it also gave me opportunities to ‘serve’ that I’d never considered.

  • I got to write and record a series of Meditations still going out to over 75K prison TVs a day in over 73 prisons
  • I wrote a Mindful Workbook as part of our Personal Development offering, now considered an example of Best Practice
  • My series of Mindfulness Workbooks are to be trialled on the new Digital Prisons Project through UK Prisons


Let's work together

The response to my work encouraged me to start presenting at the annual Exams Office and then The National Association of Exam Officers conference.  And it was here that I learned of the student stress my colleagues were seeing every exam season.

I knew I had a way to help schools support their students with their exam stress.  Once and for all.

Being able to support others going through their crises has taught me to know What I Bring

I loved your presentation!!!! It was insightful, humble and practical!

And very engaging. Thank you.

Iris Gunther - The Spires College, Torbay

The session was really well paced and just the right length. I enjoyed the doses of humour peppered throughout as well. 

Harriet Cooke - Frederick Bremner School, Walthamstowe

This is fantastic.  I think Safer Custody will agree with me on how brilliant this is and want to be involved.  Thanks for doing all this.  It is excellent and will make a real difference

Governor Steve Garvie
Head of Reducing Re-offending

Some of my Qualifications

Bachelor of Arts (Hons)1st Post Compulsory Education

Certificate in Education


Further and Adult Education Certificate


NVQ 4 Advice and Guidance


Download your FREE Guide

3 Ways to  eliminate your students' Exam Stress


If you're a Pastoral or Well Being Lead, then you may have seen your students struggle every day with their exam stress.  If you want to help your students to do their best and go from STRESS to SUCCESS they need 3 things to be working for them

I’ll show you what they are and how you can get them working for YOU today.

You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.

You've heard a bit about me now

Here's what I believe to be true about you 

You really want to help your students.

You’re a committed Professional Educator who’s tried many ways to change how your young people think and act around their exams.

So why should you trust that I could finally dissolve your students fears and choose Mindfulness as a way to respond to any anxious feelings they may have over exams?

Here's what some of MY professional colleagues in the Exam Sector have been saying about me...


I’ve been asking Geraldine to do this for many years and she’s finally taken the plunge. She’s been asking me if she should take this out to centres.  I always say yes.

We stick with Geraldine for 2 reasons. She’s been with us since we launched TEO and then NAEO and she’s an Exam Officer. She sees it from an Exam Officer's point of view.

-Jugjit Chima, Chief Executive,      NAEO

Exam Stress is a huge problem that Teachers and Schools are facing and they don't teach this in school.  They don't teach this in Teacher Training.  So Teachers have never been equipped to handle this for themselves and for their students.

Rachel McMichael, Business Entrepreneur and Mentor

Let's get to the bottom line!

For the past 15 years I've seen people struggling with their Mental Health and Well Being.  I've spoken to 100s of stressed-out individuals trying to get a grip on their personal fears.

My experience can help you to help YOUR students.

Let's educate your students to manage their exam anxieties, once and for all

Work with me