Supporting teachers with exam stress training

Exam stress is widespread throughout the year and it’s not just students feeling the strain. Teachers experience their own levels of exam stress as they lead they groups through the curriculum. Many often feel they may not have had adequate training to help them support student wellbeing. This can have a long-term effect on teachers’ own mental health.
Specific Exam Stress Training can bridge that gap by giving teachers the skills and understanding to help them identify areas of concern. Being able to flag these up early will help schools dive into the symptoms behind the behaviour they’re seeing. This will help management support both their staff and their students.
Training helps specialist support staff and subject teachers to work together with a common aim.
Stress training is often geared to the support staff who manage a more intense 1:1 caseload in school. But by offering all teaching staff stress training, schools can raise awareness in a wider range of school staff.
When schools open up training, they increase the opportunity for more staff to attend. And this means more individuals who can spot challenges early, share concerns with other colleagues, and step in to offer whatever support they feel is appropriate in their professional position.
Not only does this give staff more confidence in spotting a problem, but it improves their own self-awareness. Training could make them more aware of any issues in their own wellbeing, whilst also teaching them personal resilience techniques.
As they come to use these in their own day, it may help them manage any sense of professional overwhelm and make them more confident in their responsibilities.
Training can help them manage their own stressful situations, common to all teachers. And when staff also appreciate the many triggers students face at exam time, they can begin supporting them in learning better ways to react to their panic points.
This then becomes their personalised exam reaction plan.
It’s a plan that they have drawn up with their teachers, that identifies what sets off their alarm bells, and a plan they have agreed to which includes the new ways they will use to help them find a safer and more beneficial way through the many exam stress situations they are likely to experience.
Training is the key to awareness. Students need their schools to guide them through this challenging time. And stress awareness training shows your school community that you are building a culture of care and responsibility.
Knowing the why, what and how teaches schools how to use Mindfulness to build individual approaches to stress.
When students agree to work on their own solutions with trained staff, everyone is investing in a positive future.
A stress management solution that benefits the whole school, will help teachers and students design a reaction plan that works with personal challenges to find the best and safest way forward.
That’s good for your students, good for your teachers, and good for your whole school community.
Want to help your Students, Teachers and Parents with Exam Stress this season? Create Your Personal Exam Reaction Plan is for you and your School! With lesson plans, worksheets and audios, you’ll have a ready-made solution that works any time and every time. >> Click here to sign up to the Waitlist!