Take a Breath. Breathe In Love, Truth and Light

Many years ago I began to sit in a Spirit Circle.  It was the start of a wonderful process of discovering more about myself, and my purpose.

The Spirit Circle Leader was always careful to put us in a protective bubble of love. Our weekly Meditations started with the same Mantra:

‘Breathe in Love, Truth and Light
And breathe out, Peace, Harmony and Joy’

It’s become second nature to me now when I settle in the quiet. There’s a gentle enveloping feel to the words.

Protecting ourselves is important when we open ourselves up to our higher (and lower) selves. In all the meditations I’ve recorded for our HMP prisoners, I add in these words.

Any time we let down our defences, we become vulnerable. Our thoughts are drawn to like-minded souls and prison, as you’d expect, has more than its fair share of low energies. 

Let’s stop for a moment and look at the words.

Breathe in Love
Isn’t it wonderful to allow ourselves to breathe in Love? Love is the answer to any question. Giving ourselves love allows us to be filled with Grace. Love can bring us peace and a gentle rest in the silence.

Breathe in Truth
When we are one with our higher selves, or with Spirit, we are always working with The Truth.  The Truth is the Universal Laws. Truth is the energies that govern our world, the reason for our incarnation.

It’s the Truth about our Purpose that most of us are seeking to find again.  We knew it before, and we’ll know it again, in the next life.  But for now, we seek to know The Truth again, and it’s what drives all our endeavours.

Breathe in Light
Light is the light of the Truth. Light shines into any darkness and fills it with wonder.  Nothing bad can lurk or hide behind the Light. When we take in the Light, we breathe in energy giving light that fuels our mind, body and soul. This light helps us find our spiritual way in life, and it steers us towards actions and people that will help us on our way.

By breathing in Love, Truth and Light we give ourselves the gift of safety in the silence, knowing we can rest easy in our quiet time, allowing our Higher Self to guide us to any answers that will illuminate our understanding.

By asking Love, Truth and Light to enter us, we become connected with the best part of ourselves.

Breathe Out Peace
When we breathe out, we’re sharing our inner energies with the world. So it makes sense that they are ones of Peace, Harmony and Joy.

In sharing our belief in the presence of Peace – in ourselves, and in the World, we’re sharing a prayer for deep connections between all beings.  Peace allows us to experience acceptance of one another, and of an inner Peace with Life.  It speaks much of our willingness to give ourselves over to a Higher Power.

Breathe Out Harmony
Harmony speaks of balance. When we are in harmony with life, we are also accepting. We understand there is no in-balance in how things are. Harmony expresses our willingness to walk side by side with others.  It speaks of being one with the Universe and shows an understanding of the Peace that can be ours when we work and live in balance with all things. 

Breathe Out Joy
Joy is our especial gift to ourselves and the world. When we share Joy it shows we also know Joy.  We cannot give away or share that which we don’t experience first.  Joy is a deep feeling of Peace and Love. It can come from anywhere and rests everywhere. Joy comes into our hearts when we are lifted to a higher level by personal experiences.

And when we know Joy, we can recognise it in others and spread it amongst our companions.

By breathing out Joy we send a ripple into the Universe that all is well, and all will be well.

My interpretation
Of course, this is just my personal interpretation, and the thoughts and prayers I breathe in, and breathe out when I sit quietly.

You may find your own,  or use these as inspiration.

I send you the gifts of Love, Truth, Light, Peace, Harmony and Joy. May they rise in your heart and be with you evermore.