Sometimes you have to go backwards to move forwards

It sounds the opposite of logic. Why would you go backwards when you strive to move things on?
Most of us are locked into our yesterdays anyway, so looking back often isn’t a problem at all. But staying locked in the past is a problem when it clouds how we think about our today, and those tomorrows not yet dawned.
Sometimes we’re just plain stuck. Things don’t seem to be working as they might. Others aren’t agreeable. Projects stall. Energies dip.
We push, we pull. We duck and dive until finally it dawns on us to just stop and regroup.
I’ve found that when I keep pushing through I’m easing my ego but not forging forward momentum.
I’ve recognised that when I am soul weary, its soul searching I need to do instead.
And we all know that energy being what it is, when we’re spinning out of kilter, we have to stop the wheels turning and then switch the focus to get things going in the other direction.
So often we really don’t want to do the reflection bit. Dwelling on isn’t the answer, but teasing out those a-ha revelations can be the dynamo we need when we’re stuck with wheels turning, but not going anywhere.
I’m a big fan of quiet contemplation when things get tricky. Those times when my efforts come to nothing are my moments to stop and look back instead.
I realise that striving isn’t the answer. I allow myself to ease up on the work and seek some creative space to rest
I turn off the distractions and wait for the inspiration to lead me somewhere new. I let things be, slow down and know that things will work out.
This past year I’ve been pushing hard and working on new Mindfulness projects. I’ve wondered if anyone might be reading my writing. I got stuck into being busy without reminding myself of why I was doing this and what really mattered.
When I allowed myself to stop and look at what drove me on, I realised I needed to write, regardless. I needed to create these things. It didn’t really matter when things would work out. I just knew I had to do it. It was almost as if the flurry of activity had a mind of its own.
When I dropped the ego to succeed at sharing my Mindfulness work, things became a whole lot easier. The strive eased. The weariness lifted and the purpose re-ignited.
When I took my foot off the pedal and looked back at my ‘Why’, I found I was able to let go of the worry and focus on the message instead.
I grew up in a family of purpose. We were all encouraged to be busy and productive. Idleness was not applauded. Busyness was key. So it has always been a struggle to ease up on myself.
But sometimes, we just have to stop and take a backward look at what got us into our struggle. Where is our bottleneck? What’s coming up?
I know it goes against the grain to stop and ponder, especially when we’re in work-mode. But If you find yourself in a sticky spot, give a backward glance over the process that got you there.
You may find some answers, and maybe even a new direction.
When you keep heading in one direction, without a clear way through, you’ll be heading into fog.
With the sun behind you, you may find you’re able to light your path.