The problem isn't the problem. It's how you see it

When I first moved to my present house two important things happened. First, I was offered a job advising prisoners on their options inside and second, I become the proud companion of Sheba, my fluffy tabby kitten.
Amazingly, one helped the other.
Prison was certainly a fear. I didn’t know what to expect, and had I let it, my imagination could well have steered me to safer positions. But I went with it, and Sheba helped. With her softness and affection around me I saw balance.
She helped me see the good and possibility in life. With her beside me, I felt braver somehow, and on course.
I didn’t let my fear overwhelm me. There was enough fear behind the gates, without me to add to it.
My energy, I realised could bring a small sliver of light – as can yours, wherever you are, whatever difficult tasks or decisions you are faced with.
I know we all have the red dog/white dog in us. The one that wins, is the one that feeds us. And now, at this stage in my life, I’m all about sticking close to the hand that lifts.
So, is it time to re-think how you see current challenge? Could you possibly look at things through a different lens? How could you alter how you see and process hurdles, so that that fear doesn’t get in your way.
We’re all bigger than the fear we think is in front of us. We just need to see a bigger picture.
What about you? Sheba taught me, it’s not the size of the problem that’s the problem.
It’s entirely how we see it.