Introducing Mindfulness to your School

We all know the challenging times we’re living through.  So much has changed for all of us.  Education has experienced great turmoil and our young people (and us) have much to come to terms with as we pick up our lessons and our social communities again. 

It’s not just our subject learning that came to an abrupt halt, but our social interactions too.

We can expect there to be much fall out as a result, and our students will be needing guidance on how to move through it to come out safe and sound.

Even before Covid-19, we knew our young people were being challenged from different directions. They are exposed to Social media pressures, peer friendships and the need to be as good as everyone else.

Social media put them in constant contact with those they aspired to be around and be like. And many thought themselves ‘wanting’.

There’s been no time like it. We’re all hearing about the need to re-balance our mental health.  But with so many of our own pressures as we re-form together, just how will you, as a school, offer sound, proven and accessible ways for student to manage their way back?

There’s one simple way that’s having growing support in our schools. And that’s Mindfulness.

It’s a gentle word. And it’s an umbrella for a whole array of gentle, self-administered interventions. And that, I think, is just one reason for its success.

You can’t have failed to have noticed the growth in organisations bringing Mindfulness to schools near you.

There’s an array of programmes; a wealth of courses. But they all boil down to simple focus.

  • Build in space to stop, pause and breathe
  • Have key staff to follow courses
  • Share the knowledge
  • Trickle down the practical experience

Few of us in positions of responsibility will choose to ignore this solution. It sounds the perfect answer.

The problem, as I see it that many of these Accredited Courses pin so much on a single designated member of staff to follow and then ‘cascade’ their enlightened way of ‘being’.

I don’t have a problem with the courses – training is necessary when we want to pick up new ways of doing things. And accreditation maintains standards of delivery. AS schools, we understand that and may feel drawn to invest in such programmes.

But before you rush to sign up your school, at the risk of alienating my highly trained and knowledgeable Mindfulness colleagues – there are alternative ways of getting started.

So I’ve put together a condensed  version of my 7 steps to introducing Mindfulness to your school to give you a heads up.

  1. You are enough

It troubles me that we feel inadequate to deliver what we see our staff and students need without a lengthy period of training.

I’m here to tell you, you are definitely enough. Right now.

You, are definitely what your school needs right now to push Mindfulness through. And if not you, then a group of your colleagues 

You are enough. There’s no need to wait to get ‘qualified’. The longer you wait, the longer your students will wait for solutions, and for someone to share these simple but life-changing techniques.

You’re reading this because you care. And caring wins and makes things happen.

You are enough.

  1. What’s the problem?

I’ve always loved this Kipling Verse:

I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew.
Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who 

In my 7 Steps to Introducing Mindfulness workbook I give you lots of worksheets and you’ll start to delve into just what it is that your young people need help and support with. 

No holes barred. Dig deep and really open up this up. You need to face the nitty gritty before you can address all the other issues.

  1. Why Mindfulness?

No doubt you’ve already done a bit of research into what Mindfulness offers, but as a school collective, you all need to sing from the same hymn sheet.  And if you are to put your proposal to others, you’ll need to be spot on in your rationale. 

I’ll be asking you to think what it means to you so you can hone down why this might be the perfect solution for your school, at this time. 

And of course, a bit of science is always helpful to explain why our UK Government is currently supporting the NHS to research the benefits of Mindfulness to our Nation’s Health. (Now that’s one to put in any proposal, a big Thumbs up if one was needed!) 

4.Who can help me introduce Mindfulness to my school?

Think through your group of colleagues. 

  • Do you have individuals fired up for Mindfulness?
  • Are there subject teachers with the perfect know how or skills to share this in your classrooms?
  • Is there any one person or group of people who could be your Champions as you plan this?
  • Who would you like alongside you as you map out a roll out?

You’ll be wanting a number in your corner. Identifying possible Mindful cheerleaders will help you as you have early conversations on possibilities. 

You don’t want to railroad anyone into accepting a responsibility they don’t feel ready for.  Sometimes we need to grow into things and assess their value and benefits. Some of us like to see results before we volunteer. 

You know that. Be consideration but don’t lose sight of your purpose.

And of course, stop, pause and breathe as you move through your 7 steps!

  1. How will I roll this out?

There are obvious things to think about in this important area and they affect staff, students and parents. Some might be an easier than others. 

Your 7 Steps to Introducing Mindfulness gives you suggestions on how you might bring your concept to your teachers.

  •  What might be the best way to share your ideas?
  • And what off your core focus – your students?

There’ll be many considerations on how you’ll bring this to them. There’ll be staff and space logistics, timings, classes, subject delivery. Will Mindfulness form part of your core day in group sessions?

  • Can you run class sessions? How might that work>
  • Who will lead them?
  • When will they happen?
  • What do you need some advice and guidance or input on?
  • What are all the ‘how’s in this equation?

Much to think of – and that’s before you’ve gone through any practical Mindfulness techniques.

2 more steps to go. But as you’ve done so much prep already, the rest will be easier.

  1. When will we ‘do’ Mindfulness?

It’s impossible to separate the process involved into neat areas of focus. You’ll have brain-stormed some of this already so don’t fret.

When will ‘do’ Mindfulness depends on your school approach and who you want to involve in sharing Mindful ideas. Maybe you start with assemblies, and trickle down to classroom teachers 

Perhaps you run specific calming session before or after school or at lunchtime clubs

You might want to keep it subject specific

One to go …

  1. Where will Mindfulness take place? 

So you’re on the home stretch now. Having figured out so much before, you’ll have a robust plan by now of how, as a school, you want to Bring This To Life. 

Have you identified Form Room, or Class Teachers who might lead Mindfulness or Meditation sessions?

Do you have a teacher happy to share Breathing Techniques as part of their teaching?

Are you going to offer time out areas from class, or in class?

 You’ve so many possibilities and How you do this is all dependent on your What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. 

Drill down into all of that you’re on your way!

There are many ways of sharing Mindfulness in school, and because I’m encouraging you to start now, and not wait to be an expert, you can pick up the techniques as you plan your programme. 

There’s absolutely no need to wait for 6 months and pin your hopes on one or two ‘hand up’ designated staff.

By starting on your planning now you’ll be ahead of the curve if you do decide to go for expert training.

But from all the books I’ve read, videos I’ve watched and experience I’ve gained, I can tell you that YOU know enough to start and the best time for you and your staff and students to do that is Now.

They need Mindfulness and they need you to steer it through.

Have courage and go for it.

You can get your 30pp copy of 7 Steps to Introducing Mindfulness by clicking this link.

If you want to take things further, I have put together a course designed to help you bring these ideas to your school as quickly and as easily as possible.
