Letting Go of our Mental Stuff

I’ve long since talked about ways to Let Go of Our Stuff.
Working at HMP we’re slowly adding our voice to the Mental Health interventions designed to relieve mental upset. Whether it’s recent or long held, pain is personal and caused by a huge range of events, circumstances and thoughts.
In our small way in Education, our Mindfulness pack suggests time out, quiet, space, noticing, and letting go.
Letting Go remains the easiest way to move forward, despite the hold we feel our pain has on us.
And whilst I’m not a Certificated Medical Practitioner, I do know that when we’re ready to stop holding onto our pain, it CAN be life changing to release it.
First we have to be ready.
We can hang onto stuff for many reasons. HMP is full of people convinced they are victims. They carry their pain in full view, and talk it up. They are after sympathy and acknowledgement of their struggles.
But you might just as easily come across such folk in any walk of life – even in your own family. Those determined to wear pain and slight, grievance and discomfort like a visible badge of passage.
They may not yet be ready to let go as they feel it serves their purpose.
But one day perhaps they may be. As might you.
- Are you dragging any pain or upset around with you?
- Do you feel you need witnesses to your unhappy view of life?
- Is there something you’ve held onto, but are now ready to let go of?
Today is the perfect day to let it go – that challenge with colleague. That disgruntlement you’re holding about a Manager, or hurt you feel from a previous attachment.
You just need to be willing to release it. And that’s the first step.
Once you’re ready. Mentally release it and see it leave you and begin to notice the lightness you feel.
You really can choose to let go. You just need to be in the right space to make that choice.
Trauma of course needs qualified therapists, and I’m in no way making light of the deep scars and mental anguish that some life experiences leave us with. I acknowledge the important work of our Mental Health Practitioners.
If however, you feel Letting Go may help you as you navigate your personal upsets, please do look into it.
I use Letting Go in my Introducing Mindfulness and Developing the Exam Mindset courses
You can get a copy of my Letting Go mp3 here.