On loss on my favourite person in all the world

Some months back, I and my family said goodbye to my lovely ageing Uncle who at 96 was ready to leave this world.
He was my favourite individual in the whole world and he not being here will fill me with sadness and loss.
Sometimes it’s not that we need to be around people, but just knowing they are ‘here’ somewhere, is a blessing. We can choose to visit or not. But when they aren’t there any more, we often realise what we’ve lost.
I remember many years ago, sitting with this lovely man in church and just ‘basking’ in his presence. I looked at him with great love, grateful for having him in my life. It was a moment of flow, when all was well in my world.
I hope all is well for him after many years of illness as he rests on the ‘ other side’.
Whatever your feelings on the life hereafter, we may all know love. We may all know loss. It’s difficult to explain the gap one individual can leave in our hearts.
But right now I’m feeling love. I’m sending love to him and all the family I’ve lost over the years.
So I’m offering up this little prayer for all of us feeling loss
“May the Great Spirit look over my loved one as he sits amongst you.
Be near his side, wrap him in your care and give him the love I send out to him.
I ask his own loved ones and Doorkeeper to draw close to him let him know your grace.
Bring him ease. Comfort hm. Let him know his maker.
Help him to rise in full health and wellness.
May my tears for him be turned to rainbows, the love I’ve known be everlasting,
And the deep joy he’s given me, be forever in my heart.
With all that I am, I love you Dear Uncle Gerry.
Thank you for your unconditional love and care.
I wish you peace with the Angels and your God.
Until we meet again, God Bless”.
Ged xx