The Lullaby Project - Joy in Unexpected Places

You’ll know I work in a challenging place.  People expect it to be noisy and disruptive. But our Education Landings are generally harmonious – because the teachers create respectful places in which to learn and experience.

Every once in a while, life throws up a rich and rewarding unexpected present.  And a few weeks ago we were all listening to strains of lullabies played by musicians from The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

It’s an amazing project where selected musicians work inside with prisoners, sharing their expertise to create personal lullabies for their children.

Who could fail to be moved?

Imagine the scene – a normal working day, prisoners milling around.  teachers leading their classes, alarms, periods of quiet and then …. the echoes of beautiful music.

Professionals practising, prisoners writing and watching.

When you don’t experience such beauty, you often forget what you’re missing.  And then, there it is.

My heart missed a beat.  The joy was incredible. I was in awe of what I was hearing and the pleasure it could bring to those in our corridors.

I asked if I could sit in and listen as the special personal lullabies came together.

Prisoners were sharing their thoughts of love for their little ones and the musicians were weaving it into these special melodies.

It was an experience I wont forget for a long time – and those men will have something wonderful to share with their families.

What a day, and what a project.

You can read more of the project here:


It reminds me to be open to the unexpected, and to let joy in when we find it.


Love and light,
