How Do You Show Up Each Day

You know I work at an HMP Establishment. Every day I meet people who show up in a state of frustration, despair, irritation, and detachment. And that’s not just the prisoners.
Sometimes I am greeted with a welcoming smile, or a cheery salutation. And every now and then some colleagues (when they were allowed to) would bring me cheer with an un-asked for cup of tea, a questioning ‘how are you?’ or precious time given with their full attention.
You know when you are in the presence of someone who values you, who you are, and what you have to say.
We all respond to encouragement and appreciation.
How WE are, affects how those around us respond. If we want others to feel good around us, then WE need to take the first step and send out the good feelings to our friends and colleagues.
As Gandhi shared, we can’t wait for others to change, we have to be the change we seek.
When we show up with positive expectation we are in a better place to receive it.
When we bring our best selves, we are more likely to trigger good feelings from our circle of influence.
Ask yourself these few questions. How do you:
- Greet your day
- Say good morning
- Interact with colleagues
- Ask for help with something or share tasks
- React to interruptions
- Deal with last minute things
- Show appreciation
- Rate yourself. See how you shape up. How do you talk to others throughout your day? And how do you THINK about others – even if you don’t verbalise it?
When we have something to measure ourselves against, we can take steps to move forward.
When we know what we want to aspire to, we’re in a better position to know how we’re getting there.
So, if you want to inspire collaboration in your teams, diffuse a challenging relationship, or just rub along nicely with those around you, look to yourself first.
Notice your own thoughts and actions, and see the reactions they trigger.
We have more control than we think to create harmony around us. By bringing it, we get to experience the positive ripples our good energy radiates.
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