The Power of Role Models: Why Teachers Are Key to Shaping Students

The Power of Role Models in Education

As someone who’s spent 15 years working in prisons, I’ve witnessed first-hand the long-term consequences of young people growing up without strong role models or guidance. Many of the adults I’ve encountered were never shown how to make positive choices or to understand the impact of their actions on themselves or on others.

Without the right examples to follow, many of my have become poor  decision makers, living their lives within a socially questionable  set of  boundaries.

I believe teachers have a vital role to play in shaping the next generation.

You have the power to guide them, set examples, and show them how to make good choices in life. It’s this guidance that can prevent students from falling into unhealthy patterns of behaviour.

As Teachers, you’re being silently observed by your students.  How you handle challenges, and how you live the values you share, help shape those you work with.

You may be the only significant adult they look to, especially if they don’t have that kind of support at home. It’s a position of trust that shouldn’t be under-estimated.

Your young students will copy the behaviours and attitudes of those they look up to.

As someone who’s respected, it’s natural that you carry influence. So please, use it well to guide young minds and help shape their view of their world.

Without strong role models, our youngsters can easily drift towards negative choices and so will fail to establish their own personal boundaries of what’s right and wrong.

I see it every day in those I work with. The sad truth is that the significant adults in their lives were either overshadowed by other stronger influencers, or that their voices and examples weren’t enough of an example on how to lead one’s life.  Somewhere in their past, a positive  opportunity to help shape a young mind  has been missed.

We want our young people to make thoughtful choices. 

A choice is a decision based on our understanding of options.  So many of those I see haven’t made a conscious choice.  They’ve drifted towards a life of unsociable actions.

They’ve been influenced by the attraction of easy getting, rather than seen the value in earning life’s rewards. They may hang out with those who haven’t got THEIR best intentions front and centre. Perhaps with no leading influencer of moral standing, they’ve been led by other drivers.

Please don’t let this be the outcome for anyone you could have a positive effect on. 

The repercussions of time inside cannot be underestimated.

You have an opportunity to guide your students through your own respected example.

They will look to you for inspiration, advice and directions. It’s important then that you yourself are solid in your own values and live them in each day.

Be the person they aspire to be.

Find a way to help them navigate their challenges. Help them look at how they react to life. Show them that anger, disinterest, or challenge does not have to be their way to get by.

If we’re not loud enough or strong enough in our intentions to help their disengaged youngsters find a place in our society, they they’ll move onto a life of bigger misadventures.

And prison is where some may end up.

  • Help them build a better foundation for their lives
  • Develop their own self-discipline
  • Be consistent in your examples
  • Challenge any unacceptable behaviour
  • Show them how to live and work around others

The longer they stay outside of the sociable boundaries the majority of us live by, the more likely it is that they’ll be drawn to a life of easy options.

You can make a difference by showing them they have choices and opportunities.

Be the teacher they need you be.  You may never know the impact you make.  But if you help just one person, then it’s all been worth it.

Occasionally I see prisoners Being Released and just occasionally they thank me for helping them.

It reminds me why I’m in Education.  And I’m sure it’s why you are too.


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