Using Mental Imagery. Keep your eye on the goal
I’ve always had a problem with my weight. I eat to praise myself. I eat to fill the parts I see as unfilled. And of course, I gravitate to the sugar – natch!
Sugar’s addictive, as are many things in life. I know that, but resistance is tough.
I’ve tried and still use many great ways of managing the cravings. I know it’s not just my body wanting satisfaction – it’s my mind too.
When I’m ‘on it’ I feel invincible. You know when the dress slides on, and everything feels just more right.
So of course, I notice TV shows on weight. I set the schedule and watch for the next big thing.
And turns out the next big thing this week was something we all know – just dressed up different for a new audience. Combined with wizard technology it was so effective and the participants agreed.
So what’s this? Mental Imagery – or visualisation.
I’ve mentioned it often as it’s in all my courses. So let’s boil it down – with weight loss as an example.
So you want to lose weight?
Bring to mind how you’ll F-E-E-L when you get there. Really feel it – what folk say, how it is for you. Turn around in that dress and re-adore yourself. Mmm. Looking good.
Remember the feeling. Congratulate yourself for every step towards it. See the new you. Say hello to yourself – Hi Geraldine – meet the real Geraldine – the Geraldine you’ll be in 1 years’ time ….
Whenever you crave something that looks like derailing you from your goal, re-imagine your new trim self wagging a finger at you! See the slinky new you that you crave to be. Any poorly managed indulgence will delay the process, you know it. Is it worth it?
Can you say no and see the new gorgeous you smiling at you? How does it feel to know you are moving towards this fabulous version of yourself?
Note – (add in your own script, and timings here to suit.)
So, I may have overcooked the example but you see what I mean. And this imagery process works on any goal we want for ourselves. It’s not enough to write it down and commit it to paper, or the wall.
If we don’t F-E-E-L it there’s no connection. If we don’t feel it’s worth working towards, we’ll say yes to any temptation.
Keep the image front and centre. Live it. See yourself walking and talking as the new you you strive to be.
Yes, it’s going to hard. But it doesn’t mean giving up on everything we like. You don’t have to go into starvation mode or deny yourself xyz. In my experience that usually leads to overuse in some capacity later.
So I’m re-imagining my self right now as the Geraldine I want to be on stage when my workshops and talks resume in schools. I’m seeing the sleek Geraldine presenting with confidence.
Well I was always confident – now I just match the body I desire with the mind I already have. (we all have some parts of us we’re downright happy with).
Could this work for you too?
I’ve been telling fold for years that visualisation is key, so now I’m going to ramp it up a bit – just need to get some techno involved and it’ll be a wizard presentation!
What visualisation or mental imagery could you use in your life? Got some things you’d like to change or shift?
See yourself walking and talking as you’d like to be, seeing what you see, doing what you do….. and feel it light, bright and bold. Hear it loud. Feel it strong. Get the senses into play and feel the image seep into your soul. It’s where you want to be…
Now line up your actions with the image so that the one works towards the other in harmony. You don’t want any disconnect. Anytime you feel a slippage, re-imagine it. Bring it to mind.
Put on the feeling suit you pictured earlier. Let the feelings seep into you so that deep down you know this is a ‘done deal’.
Now that’s moving into Law of Attraction and The Secret territory where you imagine, do the actions necessary, offer up the intention and KNOW, believe and expect that this will come to pass.
Let me know how you get on… I’ll take some before and afters for selected eyes only … but not in my undies – that would be silly.