Vision Boards – The power of Focus and Intention

Vision Boards are a great way to bring focus to your goals. They work on many levels and are a powerful visual way to remind the universe of our intentions and desires.
Let’s unpack it a bit.
Vision boards have been around for a while and were born from the New Age revolution where we started to learn about the power of the unconscious mind and The Laws of Universe.
They bring many elements together. You might think of it as possibility thinking + the Law of Attraction (think The Secret) and the visual learning and planning style favoured by Mind Maps.
Wherever you are on these issues you can ‘t ignore the fact that these Vision Boards play to basic instincts:
- We get to focus on our goals
- In gathering images, words and phrases we can create collages that symbolise our thoughts
- Viewing pictures on a daily basis builds our vision and appeals to a visual learning style
- We get to be really creative in combining visuals that are personal and meaningful
- Seeing our artwork reminds our sub-conscious of our aspirations
- Combining thought, and action send repeated intentions out to the universe
- When we act on inner drives and take inspired action we show our commitment and triggering the Laws of Attraction
You’ll find many positive stories of the power of Vision Boards to create reality. The key is to put your finished vision board somewhere you’ll see it. When it’s in your daily focus you’ll be reminded to focus on your goals and dreams, say your affirmations, and imagine/visualise the reality in action . This way you’ll trigger thoughts that will inspire you to act in new ways – to help you work towards realising your vision.
A Personal Story
When I was having a challenge with my estranged daughter, I made a vision board with images of her, hearts to signify my love, bridges to show my connection, personal words of affection and hopes for our harmonious future.
I hung my board in my bedroom where I could see it every day and before I went to sleep. Spending time with my vision board became part of my routine:
- On waking I would send her love. I’d imagine us connected and happy
- I’d see her reaching towards me and feel her affection
- Twice a day I’d speak affirmations about the healthy nature of our relationship and throughout the day, whenever I thought of her it was always with love and hope
There was never a time when I feared we would not be reconnected.
The process took time, but one day she wrote (after years of separation) that she’d decided to come back and settle in our home town.
And when that day came and we met again, she said she wanted to rebuild our relationship.
So my experience of Vision Boards is a positive one.
It’s important that you choose pictures and words that mean something personal to you.
You can choose online vision boards (much like Pinterest) or stick to the traditional magazine and glue option. The manner isn’t important – it’s the feeling your board gives you how you use it once it’s created.
It shouldn’t be a static player in the process. Work with it. See it. Think on it. Imagine and visualise.
The Secret says the key is in believing your vision will come to pass. It suggests once you’ve imagined it, and put the thought out there, that you let the thought go.
I’m not 100% with that, because inspired action is key. It’s important we take action towards our goals. We can’t just expect The Universe to serve us up our wishes. We have to be active in the process to show our willingness and desire.
Play around with Vision Boards yourself. Pick an area of your life that you’d like to see a shift in, gather pictures and words to represent your vision for yourself and build it into your routine.
Perhaps you can put a vision board at work, in your private work area, or study, or quiet space. You can create a vision board for yourself, your family, or your organisation.
You’ll find plenty of info online to support your creativity. Then let yourself loose and imagine what could be.