When the Heat is On

Few of us manage well in the heat and it’s been a scorcher in the UK these past few weeks.

Working at HMP the heat is just another element in a precarious environment. Anything can inflame the situation, so there are jugs and cups everywhere. It’s important to keep the fluids.

I’m sure if you work with others (and those sitting exams) you’ve been sure to provide plenty of water in clear see through bottles with no labels.

Water helps our blood oxygenate so it helps our brain do it’s thing. And of course, a drink of water is both thirst quenching and cools our mind too.   Nothing tastes so wonderful as a much -needed sip of water.

I’m currently sitting next to a fan and taking the chance of cool down. It reminded me of a sad incident in a local shop earlier the day.

The shop assistant was really struggling with the heat and looked ready to drop. Her body language and facial expressions gave every impression of someone overheating.  I stopped before her and asked if she needed a drink and a breather.  Could I ask for assistance, I suggested.  Would she like my own bottle of water?

The growing queue of shoppers behind me started to mutter but it was just a human kindness and she said she’d push on till her break time.  Even so, I felt justified in asking her if she was Ok much to the irritation of those behind me.

So, a question to you.  Heat we know affect us all in different ways.  Some thrive on it.  Others shun it.  Please notice if someone needs assistance or time away from the usual slog.

I keep spare plastic cups at work.  Our Landing Fountain is OA and before a blanket use of jugs I was often asked to get water from our staff room.  No problem. Of course I will.

Would you? Not just once a morning/afternoon session but whenever asked?

When we think of others, and their needs, as well as our own, we become altogether nicer to work with.