How to work with parents on Exam Stress
To help students with their exam anxiety we know we need to work together with all those in their lives. As students have more time out of school, than in it, it makes good sense to create a positive relationship with parents and guardians, to get them on board any plan you have for their young people.
Working together, will help build strong ties to support those struggling with exam preparation.
The Parent/Teacher team can be a powerful combination in a student’s life. A clear strategy from the start will help the school forge a lasting parent teacher collaboration.
Here are a few ideas for building trust:
- Good communication
- Transparent sharing
- Clear explanations
- Honest expectations
- Request their support
Good communication
Involve your parents in any decision making that concerns their children from the off. Bring them into your plans and give them the full story behind your decisions.
Let them know why you have chosen to adopt any particular approach and how this will benefit the students.
When they feel included and they feel you are giving them the whole picture, they will feel better prepared to help their young people.
Transparent Sharing
Parents will already have an idea of how you work with them, as a School. So Transparent Sharing will be a standard for you to maintain a good relationship. They’ll know you have the students’ wellbeing at the core of your intentions, so keep sharing any changes or progress as it happens.
They will want to know how things are progressing at school and keen to see they can plan their part in shifting how their young person manages themselves at exam time.
Clear explanations
How much detail you share will be down to your relationship with parents. If you’re bringing in any new way of doing things for exams, be clear in how you explain your thinking so they understand any changes from the usual.
We all need to appreciate ‘reasons why’ to be able to support new ideas. If parents are to share your ideas within the home, they’ll need to see your viewpoint and how it works with theirs.
They may well have approached the school directly for guidance on helping their youngsters at exam time, so give them easy to follow recommendations through your usual communication route.
Honest Expectations
Whilst you may have an overall objective for the year group or for other specific exam cohorts, you may be adjusting your expectations for individuals within that.
Parents will already have a range of expectations and you may want to talk separately to some family groups to discuss healthy and appropriate exam expectations.
Honesty is important. But if you’re introducing new exam stress management ideas then expectations may shift on the back of positive changes.
Allow time for students to make any new way of thinking around exams part of their shifting way of doing things.
You may find expectations can change as students take on a new exam stress approach.
Request their Support
Parents will want to be involved in supporting their children during this period. Give them recommendations. Ask that they encourage students to practice any new techniques or exercises at home.
Share learning and studying ideas with them so that they recognise the value of study space and shorter study periods. Ask for their help in providing the nutrition students need for healthy brains.
The more you can do, as a school to bring the Parents into the exam preparation process, the better it will be for the students.
Give Parents the information you need them to have and share the school’s decision making around exams.
Done with commitment and intention, you’ll be creating a strong bond between home and school that can only be of benefit to the students and their exam success.
I’m offering tailored School Stress Strategies to help schools work with their exam students. Book a time for a chat at and I’ll create 2 lessons and worksheets on aspects you’d like help with