There’s never been a more urgent need for school leaders to introduce Mindfulness as a solution to the mental health of our student population.
The past 18 months has been a roller coaster for staff and students alike. Many are feeling unsure of their future, distanced from their routine and missing the stability of their school environment.
Times like this need a quick start reliable programme that can bring our collective energies together. But whilst many of us actively seek out Mindfulness courses, we mistakenly feel drawn into the often lengthy study of Breathing, Meditation and other Mindful techniques , believing that such study is a requirement to achieve the awareness and practice Mindfulness requires.
Whilst this view is worthy, the ‘pre-training’ before the ‘start’ , delays your ability to impact others, halts your opportunity to bring calming skills to those who need them and wastes up to 6 months of valuable lead in time. It ‘s also (in my view), an unnecessary expense. An Investment that could be spent bringing Mindfulness to your school, now.
It’s why I put together Introducing Mindfulness to your School (Bringing Mindful ideas to life) to help you put tried and trusted Mindful practices in front of your school community.
It’ll confirm (what you suspected), that you already are expert enough to figure out how to ‘do’ Mindfulness. And whilst specialist training is valuable, you can, with my guidance get down to sharing ideas NOW. You don’t need intensive learning or daily disciplined home study first.
You can be up and running from the start by following my step by step process.
So what is it that our young people need support with?
All the research tells me that your students are most likely struggling to balance their feelings of self-worth and identity. They feel overwhelmed by daily pressures, consumed by doubts and fears, challenged by stress and bombarded by social media to be brighter, bigger, better and bolder than they might feel.
They show the effects of all these things in their behaviours, their attitudes, relationships, conversations, feelings, and comments.
You want to support them to be resilient and to have better relationships. You want to teach them how to handle life without hiding, to step out as confident individuals who make good personal choices and are in charge of their emotions.
It’s a tall ask, but Mindfulness is certainly THE way to help you get there.
Governments and Institutions globally have scientific proof of the benefits that Mindful techniques bring to frantic lives. It teaches us how to find space, how to pause, to notice, to accept and to just be.
So what will this course help you with?
Well apart from giving you the confidence to start, I’ll give you things to think about as you bring ideas together, worksheets to complete, reasons why Mindfulness has so met its time, why our young people need this now more than ever, a 1-2-3 outline to help you plan your strategy, and some simple breathing and mindful strategies to help you on your way.
The sections have been carefully planned to take you from a standing start to confident finish, and providing you practice the exercises, and complete your worksheets you’ll feel able to map out your Mindfulness plan ready for roll out.
There are 6 modules in your course.
Module 1 - This is your Introduction to the course
Module 2 – Mindfulness meets its moment includes 3 sections
Thinking Challenges covers a full explanation of the thinking challenges your young people face. It explains how a panic spiral sets in and why, and starts to explain why ‘turning towards the chatter’ is THE way to handle overwhelm.
The section What is Mindfulness explains the rationale behind Introducing Mindfulness and goes through the benefits this can bring to your school community. There’s also a section on the Science behind Mindfulness and how it works with Emotional Intelligence to balance our outlook on life.
Module 3 – School questions helps you kick-start your own thinking about how to integrate what you learn. It prompts you to consider how you might begin to draft a School Strategy that works for you. There’s also a deep dive into the 7 steps of Introducing Mindfulness concentrating on Why What, Who, How, When and Where – all to help you outline your thoughts as you move through the course.
Here you'll also find Worksheets on How to Get Your Teachers on Board together with a Staff Planning Meeting Outline Sheet to help you consider the questions they may raise.
Module 4 – Teaching Mindfulness. There are 6 sections in this Module.
Doing a Check – in is your chance to learn Noticing – an important part of Mindfulness. You’ll follow an audio, scripts and exercises to practice slowing down, observing and quietening your breath. Alongside you’ll find worksheets and prompts on how to use this in your programme.
Arrive – an essential part of the school day. Watch and practice how to run quick gathering sessions to help students re-focus this attention. You’ll also get Now You worksheets to layout your own plan for using this in your core day.
Gratitude – learning how to recognise and appreciate all that’s good in our lives helps us with perspective. You’ll find suggestions and ideas for helping students being Gratitude into their awareness.
Letting Go – learning to release our worries is a big part of creating balance. In this section you’ll learn the thinking behind letting go and practice the exercise through an audio and workbook. This simple technique has potentially powerful benefits to your school and your Now You questions will help you think through how you’ll do that.
Tapping – Tapping or EFT has widespread use for releasing trauma. By learning how to tap on our body’s energy points you’ll learn how to work through blocks that keep us stuck and acting in ways that don’t serve us best. It’s becoming seen as a standard tool for releasing a whole range of challenges, and you’ll find full details in how to learn it, practice it, and share it. You don’t need to be an expert. Start from where you are and share it with confidence. Every day you do you’ll give someone a chance to change.
Teaching this one technique to your school will give them back the power to control their emotions and behaviour. The section is supported with how to videos and workbooks.
Meditation – the cornerstone of Mindfulness. By learning to be still in the silence, to control the breath and go within, you’ll learn how to manage the noise around you. Sharing Meditation in your school will help students pause and take time to just ‘be’. It’s a practice we can all benefit from.
Module 5 – Bringing it together. A final round up of the areas covered and a reminder of the importance of the work you’ve now begun. Completing this section will trigger your Certificate of Completion.
Module 6 - Bonus Resources – this section contains a mix of additional resources to help with your planning. Dive it and explore.
Each section is broken down into small steps.
You’ll get a workbook along with any supporting audio recordings or videos. Your workbook with include all the scripts and exercises you need to follow to feel confident in each technique.
Throughout your course you’ll find carefully written guides on how to put your Mindfulness plan together. Your workbooks will ask you to think about how you might integrate the ideas, who to involve, who to work with etc.
Your workbooks will become your blueprint for your future strategy.
"It is so refreshing to find a course which is easy to follow, simple to engage with and complete, and which gives some excellent hints and tips on how relatively small changes can help to develop a much more positive, relaxed and stress-free perspective on an individual's life and approach to everyday activities. The language used is appropriate and easy to understand for students and staff alike, and the content encourages users to not only consider personal circumstances, but also how to develop and improve senses and feelings with simple everyday activities and techniques."
"This course is amazing from start to finish. All I wanted to do was read and see what was said and then go to the next part to see what was next and learn some more. It kept me interested from the beginning. The content was plentiful without being boring or repetitive. I loved the fact that you could press complete, which gives a real sense of satisfaction and that also meant you could come back to the course at any time and know where you were at – very useful. I listened to the mindfulness recordings and watched the videos and felt completely relaxed and excited to listen to more and move on with the course. I have to say this exceeded my expectations and was a professional, warm, encouraging, fascinating and interesting course and I don’t doubt that it will be a huge success "
Now I know you’ll have a number of questions, so hopefully this section answers those.
Why should I do this?
If you’re asking, perhaps this isn’t right for you and your school? Take a look at all the statistics that show the challenges our young people are facing and the science backing up Mindfulness as THE go to for balancing stress and taking time to just ‘be'. Any step you can take to raise self control and confidence is a move in the right direction.
I have trouble getting staff on board – how do I do that to make this work?
You’re right, it’s important that you have the full support of all those likely to be interacting with your students – especially those leading personal and social skills. There are suggestions on how you might do that in the course materials. You'll find a worksheet specifically on this burning question!
How will I find the time to go through the materials and share the ideas?
Sure, you’re super busy. I recommend you appoint a Lead Teacher (perhaps from your Exam or Personal Development Team). Any investment like this needs the right follow through, so involve those with the right skill set and motivation to help you roll out the ideas.
Do staff need to be ‘expert’ or ‘qualified’?
No. Their most valuable quality will be belief in the benefits advanced thinking skills can bring your community.
Our Student Body hasn’t demonstrated a willingness to take on these kind of ideas
All the more reason to share them. As a Leader you have a duty and opportunity to change lives by role modelling the change you are teaching. Demonstrate a culture of good thinking and the rest will follow. You’ll be setting your students up for a lifetime of success by teaching them good thinking skills now in their school years.
How will I make this work once I’ve gone through the material?
I’ve included ‘Now You’ handouts for most sections to give you practical tips on how to apply what you’ve learnt in your classrooms. Use your faculty/colleagues to help you share the collective belief in the programme.
It seems too expensive. How can I justify the cost?
Imagine how you might quantify the value of just one student gaining higher scores in their exams, and moving onto the next step in their lives, brighter, more confident and knowing they are operating at their best selves. Now multiply it for your year group, and the next year and the next. How might this impact on the parents, and in your locality? You’ll need to decide what value you place on those potential results against any current demonstration of anxiety, withdrawal, challenging behaviour or self-harm etc.
How do I make the workbooks available to our students?
Module 1 - Introduction
Opening thoughts
Module 2 Thinking Challenges
How we think
Why Mindfulness?
The Science
Module 3 - School Questions
Getting your Staff onboard
Planning your Staff Awareness session
Letter to Parents
Module 4 - What is Mindfulness?
Check in
Letting Go
Module 5 - Bringing it Together
Closing thoughts and recommendations
Module 6 - Bonus Resources
Additional resources to help with planning
All supported with step by step exercises, scripts, audio, mp4s, Topic pdfs, Now You workbooks.
3 payments
Module 1 - Introduction
Opening thoughts
Module 2 Thinking Challenges
How we think
Why Mindfulness?
The Science
Module 3 - School Questions
Getting your Staff onboard
Planning your Staff Awareness session
Letter to Parents
Module 4 - What is Mindfulness?
Check in
Letting Go
Module 5 - Bringing it Together
Closing thoughts and recommendations
Module 6 - Bonus Resources
Additional resources to help with planning
All supported with step by step exercises, scripts, audio, mp4s, Topic pdfs, Now You workbooks.
What next?
So here’s what to do next. Click the link below to take you to the order page. Once you enter your payment detail you’ll be taken to a Thank You page confirming that your order has been accepted. Shortly afterwards you’ll receive an email on getting your login to your Course Library on the Kajabi platform. Once there you’ll be able to go through all the materials, at your own pace, forever.
Start Now!
You’ve already made the decision to roll our Mindfulness. Delaying your decision will reduce the time you have left this Academic Year to make a difference. The sooner you decide to say yes to bringing this into your school, and sharing it with your colleagues, the quicker you can see the results you want for your community.
Students’ time in school is limited. The school year often seems to shrink and time runs away. If you are experiencing any crisis, challenge, behaviour issues, self-harming, withdrawal or seeing any evidence of students being out of balance, then this is for you.
Decide now to embrace a culture of caring, co-operation and self-healing. Give your students the skills they need to be in charge of their lives and to show up as resilient souls ready to step into their potential.
With the recent global upheavals we’ve all experienced, now is the perfect time to teach your students how to handle life’s up and downs, and build a strong united culture based on self-belief and self- knowledge. They need a supportive place in which to share and manage their anxiety. And you’ve just got a potentially life changing plan.
Introducing Mindfulness can help you to show all those you work with and for of their value, to you, to themselves, and their wider community. You know enough, you are enough and care enough right now to plan a Mindfulness launch your staff and students will thank you for. You and your team are already your No1 asset in bringing Mindfulness to your community. It’s time to rebuild your connections, show your care and support and give give your students the time and space to be their best selves.