Help your students eliminate their exam anxiety to stay calm and in control.

Discover how to help your students manage their levels of exam stress, so they can be their best selves at exam time and show their true potential


If you’re anything like the students, teachers and Exam Officers I work with, chances are you've been through some stressful periods of exams. Exam time is a period of heightened pressure for you and your students, and many may have been overwhelmed by anxiety.

So what’s the best way to stop your students stressing out over exams, so that they do better when it matters?

The Solution is to share ways that involve them in finding what works for them

By teaching them how to think well, breathe better, study at their best, and   learn ways to manage the feelings that come up for them around exams.

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The sooner you start sharing exam stress solutions with your students, the longer they will have to make them their new 'go to' way of handling their exam fears.

Fear and stress CAN be managed and I can show you how.

Exam Reaction Plan Waitlist

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So here's my Intention for you and your Students

  • That this course will help them to re-wire their brain so that they think differently about themselves and their exams.
  • The techniques I'll share will teach them will become their new 'go-to' response to any exam anxiety.
  • This will change how they behave when they get 'spooked' by their feelings. 
  • With continued practice and encouragement, they'll get confident in using these new behaviours BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER any difficult situation.

"This is an excellent resource that is suitable for learners of all ages. This suite of resources would be a welcome addition to any well-being pastoral toolkit. It shares numerous strategies to help learners deal with the very real stress felt during assessment/exam time and would also fit perfectly within the PSHE curriculum and help learners and staff alike gain awareness"

Emma Maryan
Outreach Tutor, HMP Norwich

My aim for you is to change how your students handle themselves at exam time. But the clock is ticking down

... and you need to give your students enough time to make the Mindful way of responding become THEIR way of managing their feelings. That way, the exercises and techniques THEY choose to use, will help them manage their thinking, stay in control and enable them to walk calmly into the exam room and do the best they can when it matters.


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