I watched England the other day winning their semi final in the 2020 Euros. That was strange enough as I usually don’t watch the football. But what I saw was inspiring. It...
Choices or decisions lead us in different directions.
We all know of stories, parables or fables where the hero meets a fork in the road and has to make a choice on which way to go.
The way they go...
We all know what Personal Protective Equipment means now we’ve been exposed to the Coronavirus. We accept wearing suitable protection as the norm in both our everyday interactions and in...
Working in Education has been topsy turvy this past year, to say the least. Emotions are all over the place. I’ve struggled with distance, questioned much, been hard on myself and done the...
Thoughts have energy. And we all give off energy every moment, every day.
There are those who pick up on that, fan it with discontent, or help it burn bright with possibility.
I ‘ve heard...
We’re all feeling the strain of past, current and future restrictions.
These changes affect our hearts, our minds and bodies. Scientists used to believe that our thoughts triggered responses...
We all know the challenging times we’re living through. So much has changed for all of us. Education has experienced great turmoil and our young people (and us) have much to come...
Arrive breathing is a relatively new term to me. I came across it a while back when I was doing some research for my new course “Introducing Mindfulness to Your School”.
It all...
Like many of us, I’m about to walk into my usual working environment this week. I’m going back to Prison.
I wouldn’t say I’m stressed about it, but I anticipate it will be...
These past few months have been a roller coaster for us all. Life has changed in so many ways. As we move through this period, I’ve been doing my own contemplation.
Any period of change...