Face your stuff. You’ll feel better for it mindfulness Mar 01, 2021

We all know the story of the Ostrich who puts his head in the sand to hide away.  Remember yourself as a child – hiding behind your hands, convinced no-one could see you because you...

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Take a Breath. Breathe In Love, Truth and Light mindfulness Feb 22, 2021

Many years ago I began to sit in a Spirit Circle.  It was the start of a wonderful process of discovering more about myself, and my purpose.

The Spirit Circle Leader was always careful to put...

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Sometimes you have to go backwards to move forwards mindfulness Feb 15, 2021

It sounds the opposite of logic.  Why would you go backwards when you strive to move things on?

Most of us are locked into our yesterdays anyway, so looking back often isn’t a problem at...

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Is there a place for Ego in the workplace? mindfulness Feb 08, 2021

Ego is our sense of self, and it can trip us up when it gets too big for itself.

We’ve all known colleagues – friends and family, with big egos.  There’s nothing wrong with...

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New day. New possibilities colleagues mindfulness Feb 01, 2021

A few summers back  I gave a talk at The Exams Office Conference in London and Leeds on Communicating with Colleagues. Part of the presentation asked, “How do you say Good Morning to...

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Hold up the mirror to yourself mindfulness Jan 25, 2021

We all know the story of the Ostrich who puts his head in the sand to hide away.  Remember yourself as a child – hiding behind your hands, convinced no-one could see you because you...

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Be your own Cheerleader. Believe in yourself mindfulness Jan 11, 2021

We’re all familiar with the young fit teenagers in ra-ra skirts shaking pompoms on the sidelines to whip up crowd support.  It might seem very un-British to some of us. But the concept...

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Re-write your story of 2020. A year’s Review mindfulness Dec 28, 2020

2020 has been a roller coaster for most of us. Many of us planned for events that were not possible during a pandemic.  I heard one joker describing a 2020 Planner and the most useless 2019...

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I am What I think I am mindfulness Dec 21, 2020

I am many different things, to myself, and to others.  Just as you are.

I am what I think myself to be. I am who I feel I am. I am whatever I want to be. In any moment.

Mindfulness asks us to...

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Stop seeing things through a cloud of dissatisfaction mindfulness Dec 14, 2020

We’ve all got friends who are a glass half empty type. They can be hard to be around for long. 

The husband of a friend of mine was moaning one Christmas we spent together. He...

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Gratitude. The Art of Appreciation colleagues mindfulness Dec 07, 2020

Gratitude.  Have you given thanks recently? Or appreciated something or someone in your life? It’s an important gift to share with others.

Most of us grumble at some point. If...

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Gossip and grievances colleagues mindfulness Nov 30, 2020

When we feel disgruntled, ignored, unappreciated, misunderstood and disappointed, its human nature to share our upset.  But in our work environment this can be toxic.

It’s all too easy...

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